Block your e-identification
Block your e-identification as soon as you suspect that someone else has gained access to it. Here you will find useful information about other precautions you should take if your e-identification is being used by someone else.
This is what you should do
Follow the steps below if you suspect that your e-identification is being used by someone else:
- Contact the provider of your e-identification so that they can help you to block it. You will find contact information to the providers further down this page.
- Contact you bank to make sure that no unauthorized withdrawals have been made.
- File a police report by calling 114 14 or by visiting the closest police station. If you are calling from abroad or from a foreign mobile in Sweden, call +46 77 114 14 00.
- Change the password to your email account.
- Report that you have lost your e-identification to the credit reference companies. To mention a few UC, Credit Safe and Bisnode.
- Contact the Swedish Tax Agency - Skatteverket
External link. to make sure that no one has changed your residential address in the population register.
- Make a list of all the services you use with your e-identification and inactivate the accounts.
- Make sure that no one has opened a digital mailbox account for you. We at DIGG can help you with this information and are able to inactivate the digital mailbox for you if this should be the case. Contact us
Contact the provider of your e-identification
If you need to block your e-identification you have to contact the provider that issued your e-identification. Below you will find their contact information:
Block BankID (in Swedish) External link.
Block e-identification by AB Svenska Pass External link.
Block Freja eID Plus External link.
Block Telia E-identification (in Swedish) External link.
If somebody has fraudulently logged in to your bank account, your device has been stolen etc. you should file a report with the police.
Dial 114 14 or go to the closest police station.
If you are calling from abroad or from a foreign mobile in Sweden, call +46 77 114 14 00.